Hopeful Countries is driven by Mayors or other key political leaders, and showcases a commitment to mental health and hope. The aim is to drive residents and cities activate the “how-to” of hope in the sectors of Government, Science, Education, Workplace, Healthcare, and Art that refer to the resources available.
These Countries are committed to bringing Hope Resources to their Countries:
Hopeful Cities Playbook Now Available!
If you or someone you know are having challenges with hope or needs immediate help, call 988. You can also text HOME to 741741 to connect with a counselor from crisistextline.org. You can find a list of international resources here.
Hope Scale & Strengths Finder
We ask that you measure your hope, and encourage all those in your community to measure hope, so we can start tracking hopefulness in individuals around the world.
Shine Hope Infographic
The digital Shine Hope infographic shows the How-to of Hope in trying times. It is a simple way to get started learning the Five Keys to Shine Hope. Once you download, you’ll find clickable links so you can learn more about each of the skills we talk about in the Shine Hope framework.
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Five Day Global Hope Challenge
The Five-Day Global Hope Challenge is a five-day challenge ensuring all know the what, why, and how to hope. It reviews what hopelessness is, the Shine Hope framework, and instructs how to measure hope. It is a simple way to get started learning how to Shine Hope.
Sign up today.
Global Hope Challenge Social Media Tool Kit
Social media is a great way to share the resources available for hope with your friends, family, and community, so we have created a social media toolkit for hope as well. All of our images and content are available to download at no cost to share and activate the message for hope.
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Hopeful Minds Parent's Guide
The Hopeful Minds Parent’s Guide provides a broad overview of the concepts discussed in the Hopeful Minds curriculums, and provides parents with easy ways to implement the Five Keys to Shine Hope (Stress Skills, Happy Habits, Inspired Actions, Nourishing Networks, and Eliminating Challenges) and hopeful language in the home. It is helpful when parents reinforce hope language at home, so the family can practice together.
Hope is measurable and teachable. With hopelessness at an all-time high in youth, we’ve got to be proactive about practicing these skills with youth. This is a tool parents can use to talk about mental health in a positive, proactive way at home and know what to look out for and find resources for support.
Hopeful Minds Overview Educator's Guide
The Hopeful Minds Overview is a curriculum designed to give children an introduction to the “what,” “why,” and “how” of hope. The curriculum includes three, one-hour lessons that introduce the key tools needed to create, maintain, and grow hope. Additionally, the curriculum includes background information for educators, supplemental resources, classroom visuals, and a Hopework Book for students.
While this curriculum is geared towards 2nd-grade students, it can be easily adapted for any age range (adults included) and can be utilized in any setting (such as schools, after-school programs, places of worship, hospitals, offices, and more). This curriculum has been specially designed to be used for either classroom or remote learning.
Hopeful Countries Brand Guidelines
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My Shine Hope Story™ Template
My Shine Hope Story™ gives community leaders an avenue to normalize hopelessness and share their unique experiences by using the Shine Hope framework. We all experience moments of hopelessness (i.e., emotional despair and motivational helplessness). How we manage the moments of hopelessness matters.
My Hope Hero Template
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Proclamation Template
Our goal is to advocate for the establishment of The International Day of Hope through an official United Nations resolution. This initiative will kick off a five-day campaign featuring the Five Day Global Hope Challenge, yard signs, sunflower gardens, workplace educational posters, sunflower Shine murals, live speaking events, classroom teachings of Hopeful Minds, and more.
We encourage Mayors, Governors, and schools to issue proclamations for their towns and environments, demonstrating solidarity in officially recognizing the day and joining the Hopeful Countries Movement.
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UN Resolution Template
Our goal is to advocate for the establishment of The International Day of Hope through an official United Nations resolution. This initiative will kick off a five-day campaign featuring the Five Day Global Hope Challenge, yard signs, sunflower gardens, workplace educational posters, sunflower Shine murals, live speaking events, classroom teachings of Hopeful Minds, and more.
We encourage Mayors, Governors, and schools to issue proclamations for their towns and environments, demonstrating solidarity in officially recognizing the day and joining the Hopeful Countries Movement.
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Letter to Government Leaders Template
Our goal is to advocate for the establishment of The International Day of Hope through an official United Nations resolution. This initiative will kick off a five-day campaign featuring the Five Day Global Hope Challenge, yard signs, sunflower gardens, workplace educational posters, sunflower Shine murals, live speaking events, classroom teachings of Hopeful Minds, and more.
We encourage Mayors, Governors, and schools to issue proclamations for their towns and environments, demonstrating solidarity in officially recognizing the day and joining the Hopeful Countries Movement.
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Public Service Announcements
Radio stations receive PSAs as audio files, typically recorded as 30- or 60-second messages, that are created by local groups. We created PSAs for our launch in Reno, and encourage you to do the same. You can either create and produce them yourselves, or send the scripts to radio and TV stations and ask them for support in doing so.
We encourage you to use local celebrities and talent to support you in the PSAs, as the more trusted the person delivering the message, the more likely your supporters are to act. Trust is key when developing the Science of Hope.
You can check out the PSAs we did in Reno, and see how we engaged local champions to share the message. If you are interested in making a PSA for your community, simply download the video template provided, and ask your friends, family, local celebrities, and hope champions to record their message and voice to help you #SpreadHope.
Get your town to take the Five-Day Global Hope Challenge. Get the community measuring their hope, practicing hope skills, and teaching Hopeful Minds in schools and afterschool programs. Let everyone know that no matter what anyone faces, they are not alone, and there is help.
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A great way to share the initial message that “Hope is Teachable” to a wide audience is through billboards. Billboards are effective for getting messages to broad populations, as they are free to view unlike newspapers and magazines. Billboards allow you to reach more people faster and cheaper than many other mass marketing media, and are effective for branding campaigns.
We have created billboard images in both English and Spanish so that you can help spread the Science of Hope around the world. You can encourage others to activate hope in their own lives by taking the challenge, teaching children, planting sunflower gardens, sharing their own hope signs and billboards, and learning about how to activate others in the community on hope.
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Yard Signs
Yard Signs are a simple and cost-effective way to spread the “how-to” of hope in the community. They are easy to print, as most local printers do so already for political campaigns. They spread awareness, are affordable, and are a great way to activate hope in your community by promoting the Hopeful Countries website.
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Sample Press Release
Sample Press Release for cities who licensed a country-wide Hope activation.
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Press Talking Points
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Hopeful Minds Flyer
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Hopeful Mindsets on the College Campus Flyer
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Hopeful Countries Poster
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Hopeful Countries Fact Sheet
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Five Day Global Hope Challenge Poster
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Gardening Sheet
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Shine Hope Posters
Shine Hope Brochures
Moment of Hope Cards
Cause Marketing
Cause marketing involves a collaboration between a for-profit business and a nonprofit organization for a common benefit. Cause marketing is when a company puts a logo on the front of a package, and lets the public know that for every product sold, a percentage of the proceeds go towards supporting the nonprofit. It is a great way for nonprofits to raise funds, create awareness, and get people activated. There are many benefits to companies that support nonprofits, as highlighted by the variety of studies at Engage for Good: www. engageforgood.com/guides/statistics-every-cause-marketer-should-know/
Our partner company, The Mood Factory, did the first nationwide cause marketing campaign for mental health. It is what enabled us to start our work on hope. We are so grateful for our cause marketing partners, as they have gotten us where we are today.
If you are a brand, join our mission to help teach hope for free to children around the world, and work with us to create a cause marketing campaign about the “how-to” of hope. We must teach while we talk. If you are a retailer, consider creating a retail display about hope in your store and support those that support us.
Your use of hope branding can help us spread the “how-to” of hope to people around the world.
Interested in placing hope branding on your products? Contact us at activate@theshinehopecompany.com to learn more.
Hopeful Countries Social Media Posters
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*By downloading these resources, you agree to our policy. Please refer to the other country pages to download hope resources from your country.